Deep Neutral Books seeks to offer high-quality modern first editions for the modern book collector. We try to sell what interests us; literary first editions, avant-garde and beat literature, poetry, rare books on history and politics (especially the Third Reich), and books on books. We have research background in dust jacket design and you may see this love for the visual arts running through our inventory.

Deep Neutral Books is owned and operated by Glenn Miller, who has collected books for as long as he can remember. Collectors at heart, we have the same energy as many of our customers and have been known to cling to some books that come though the door.

We have been trading for almost ten years and are proud members of the PBFA, strictly adhering to their codes of practices. We house most of our stock in our out-of-town shop on the outskirts of York city centre, just off the A64. We are open by appointment only. Please make an informal appointment via phone or email.